
About Us

Specialized in Multi-Employer Plan Administration

BG is focused exclusively on pension and benefit plans. With the shrinking Canadian marketplace for administration outsourcing, a niche firm like BG makes sense. Single employer and multi employer plans are different. Multi employer pension and benefit plans require different IT systems, administrative organization, skill sets and focus. Trustees of these plans rely on much more than the Administrator’s technical expertise. They also rely on the Administrator’s ability to work directly with auditors, actuaries, lawyers and other service providers. And – they must be responsive to the needs of a diverse group of Trustees. Trustees of multi employer, negotiated cost pension and benefit plans rely on the Administrator to schedule, plan, facilitate, attend and minute regular Trustee meetings. They rely on the Administrator to bring forward relevant member issues and potentially recommend Plan changes. It’s a tall order.

Why Bilsland Griffith?

The Administrators at Bilsland Griffith have all made the choice to work with the Trustees of these unique types of plans. Barb and Stephanie have a combined experience of more than 40 years in administering negotiated cost benefit plans. Mostly here in British Columbia.

Bilsland Griffith is focused on sustained growth with clients in this niche market. If you are interested in hearing more about what makes us different from your existing administration services provider – just give us a call.

Assets Under Management
$ 0 B
Office locations in US
Year founded company
1 0
Clients represented through our firm

Trusted Benefits Administration Solutions

Our key Service Offerings

BG strives to provide the absolute best advice delivered to the right people at the right time. Your time is valuable and we know how to use it wisely.

Fast and accurate member calculations

One on one member information meeting

Contribution reconciliations

Pension and benefit eligibility tracking

Retirement Seminar Organization

Organization/attendance at Trustee meetings

Website development, including online pension calculators

Secure storage of member information

Responsive call centre with same/next business day return calls

All year end functions

Stephanie Griffith

Executive Vice President

Bonnie Mah

Business Analyst/Data Specialist

Siobhain Phagura

Senior Pension Administrator

Tracy Sutton

Administration Manager

Janice Young

Executive Assistant/Office Manager

Request an Appointment

Ready to get started? Schedule a consultation with us today and let’s discuss your project!